
Like to Contribute to KeralaPicnicSpot. You are always Welcome. Send Us Articles, Travelogues, Photos etc of anything related to Kerala and Kerala Tourism like Places and Festivals. We will publish it in and our social media accounts with your Name, if we find it suitable for KeralaPicnicSpot.

Send us Theyyam photos and we will publish it in our website and in our social media accounts, including facebook if it is suitable. You can also send Photos and Articles of any Festivals in Kerala.

You can send your posts and photos to our email id

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  • Only Article, Travelogues and Photos relating tourism in Kerala like Kerala Tourist Places, Picnic spots, Festivals of Kerala, Art Forms of Kerala  etc are to be sent.
  • We will only publish your article if we find it suitable.
  • You will get a dedicated contributor page if you send more than 60 photos of 25 places or categories or 20 articles.
  • We will add your name to our contributor page if you send more than 30 photos of 10 different place or categories or 10 articles.
  • For all photos, articles and travelogues we will mention your name in the page where it is used.
  • Normally we don’t give back links and and even if we do it will be a no-follow back link.